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Navigate Your Path to Success with Our Interactive AI- Powered Sales Playbooks!

White Lake Consulting developed the Interactive Sales Playbook, a tool designed to eliminate the fear of making outbound calls. These playbooks are part of a proven system we call the “Point Guard Selling System.”

A Legacy of Lessons and Best Practices

My passion is to leave a legacy of lessons learned and best practices that are as applicable today as they were when I started selling in 1983. I have compiled this content, along with other resources and tools, to help you elevate your sales teams.

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Please reach out if you want to have a discussion about your specific situation. I would welcome the opportunity to talk with you.


Upholding the highest standards of honesty and ethical conduct.


Continuously seeking creative and effective solutions.


Committed to delivering top-quality work across all operations.


Working together with clients and partners to achieve mutual success.

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Have you ever wondered?

From an end user standpoint, each rep will have an individualized territory plan which lists their accounts that would match a particular sales play.

There is an interactive sales playbook associated with each playbook.  So the rep has everything they need to make directed sales calls.

Lets say the sales manager wants to run an upselling play on all customers who have Product A.  All he or she needs to do is tell the reps to run the play.  All the reps would know exactly who to call and what to say.  It works extremely well.

We aim to keep things as simple as possible.

We start by mapping out the sales plays you have in place today.  Then those plays are matched up for each rep based on their territories.  

We then gather information from sales managers and experienced reps on the optimal talk track.  Once the call for each play is mapped out, we put that into an interactive format.  Those talk tracks are built on a COTS solution called Prezi.

Once all this is done, we do call shadowing to make sure the reps understand how things go.  There is a more detailed plan but this is a high level.

The PGSS is the overall system, which includes SMART territory plans and the Interactive Playbooks.  The two components are best optimized when they work together.

Yes—the Interactive Playbooks can act as a standalone solution but experience has shown that they best work together.

WLC uses Prezi, since it is by its nature interactive and visual.  Plus it is very intuitive (only two buttons are needed).  

We have tested several other tools but none really do what Prezi does out of the box.  And there is a very small (under $300) licensing fee that covers unlimited users.

That said, if you have another tool that is your organization’s standard, we can work with that.  Our intake process of mapping out the sales call can be transferred to any common tool.

Sales playbooks are nothing new but Interactive Sales Playbooks are a true shift in sales productivity.  After having reviewed dozens of Sales Playbooks, the difference is that sales playbooks do not allow for quick pivots when needed.  Interactive Sales Playbooks are designed to provide reps with the information when they need it.

WLC typically takes the content in existing sales playbooks and places it into the Interactive Sales Playbooks.  This allows clients to leverage the time and cost investments made in sales tools.

The nature of the PGSS is such that updates are crucial to a successful implementation.  WLC uses Cloud based technology to provide updates.  Our experience in technology has shown us the need to such updates.

There is a very powerful ROI on this system– its about incremental revenue.

 Our clients typically “tag” an opportunity in their CRM system.  Our largest client has reported a 231% ROI.  This is based on the incremental gross margin divided by the amount they paid for the WLC involvement.

There are also “soft benefits” such as faster onboarding, reduced turnover, improved morale.

The PGSS and Interactive Playbooks are sold by the playbook.  There is no single cost– it depends on the quality and quantity of the existing sales tools.  Also, the number of plays.  

We typically go through a questionnaire and use a calculator to determine the cost.

We can absolutely provide you with a reference at the appropriate time.  WLC is under a non-disclosure agreement so we can’t share too many details but the contact there is open to talking about their experience with WLC.

The short answer is “whoever you feel can benefit by using them.

The playbooks are all URL based which makes it easy for anyone to access them.

One of our clients has them available to their own reps, channel partners, as well as the software manufacturer.  Prezi has an analytics component that captures the number of users and so far it shows 2,600 unique devices.

There is not a per user charge so the more the merrier!

The timeframe associated with implementation does depend on the availability of existing sales plays, tools, scripts and content.  

They are typically rolled out one at a time—some clients have an aggressive implementation schedule.  Others favor a slower implementation- WLC can go either way.

Since these are running on the Cloud, implementation is very quick and easy.”

Typically, clients get a single editor license.  This allows the clients to edit and keep the playbooks updated.  WLC provides full instructions and training on Prezi.  

By having their own editor license (less than $300/year), the client also controls the playbooks.  The IP for the playbooks belongs to the client,

End users do not need to have a Prezi user license.  All the playbooks are URL based so no license is required to access the playbooks.

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Great Clients Awesome Reviews

In the Numbers

43 years of experience

Custom Playbooks
Documented ROI
Devices Accessing Playbooks
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